organic purity. scientific results.


10 Tips to Survive the Holidays!

Holidays such as Christmas and New Years are a wonderful time of the year to get a chance to see relatives and friends. This is also a great opportunity for stress reduction and a change of pace.  If you are an indulger of those seasonal treats, the results can cause your body and skinstress and cause you guilt. Stay positive. Your goal is to have fun and relax. We have 10 tips to survive the holidays and we are not going to tell you to gut out those indulgences. 

1. Don’t starve yourself.  Eat small meals in addition to your breakfast that include a well balanced diet. Your metabolism will work throughout the day and keeping yourself hydrated by getting enough water will help prevent hunger pains and over indulging on snacks when your are out socializing. 

2. Watch your salt intake! Maintain sodium intake in moderation. Get in the habit of reaching out for fresh herbs and spices in order to keep the sodium intake down. Holiday dishes can be high in sodium. Excessive sodium intake can be a health hazard. Not to mention aiding in water retention giving us that puffy look. Use salt in moderation. 

3. Everything in moderation. Or as the saying goes.  The holiday season such as Christmas and New Years are infamous for amazing desserts and high caloric delicacies. Don’t punish yourself by avoiding these but do be mindful of moderation.

4. Keep up your activity levels during the holiday season. Challenge your family and friends to continuous activity. Continuous activity can be fun and a perfect form of burning calories.Go for that snowy walk in the forest or around the neighbourhood to look at Christmas lights or hit the slopes for some skiing and snowboarding. There are many fun winter activities to take in. 

5. Contribute to the healthier things in life. Bring something healthy to the holiday party. Bringing a healthy snack to holiday spread will encourage a healthy options. 

6. Have a plan when you hit the party. Come up with a plan for each event you have to attend. This doesn’t have to be a challenge. You can make it one if you wish. Just think if you have that healthy snack at home first, you will be less likely to indulge on the high calorie treats when you get to the party. The goal is excitement, fun and health. Self Care should be a priority. 

7. Eat slowly. Engaging in conversations during meals helps slow you’re eating pace and take in less. 

8. Drink less. Alcohol is known for delivering calories without nutrition and lowers natural inhibitors. Limit alcohol to one per hour while alternating the drink with water or cut it out all together. 

9. Avoid stocking up with junk foods. Stock up with nutritious foods.

10. Take care of your skin. Over indulgence effects how our bodies process things and it comes out in our skin. Keeping hydrated is key but we also like to share our Hyaluronic Acid2 in 1 best seller anytime but also during this season! 

Moderation is the key. Stay positive. Continue to stay on top of what is healthiest and best for you this holiday season. Don’t beat yourself up for those treat nights … or days. 

What are some of your tips for surviving the holiday season?


elaspa Team


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